This article explains how to set up Osmose so its sounds can be edited in-depth with Haken Audio's Haken Editor.
ℹ️: As of now, there is no full bidirectional synchronization between Osmose and Haken Editor. It is normal that the user interface of Osmose will not update when switching presets or changing macros via the Haken Editor. We are working on improving the synchronization through future updates of the Editor and our firmware.
precaution: firmware update
⚠️: Do not use the Haken Editor if your Osmose still has a factory firmware installed on it. Factory firmwares show a popup asking you to make an update upon startup, and they have the suffix "-factory" in their version name when you look it up in the info tab of the global settings of Osmose. Follow these instructions to update your firmware to a non-factory version before using the Haken Editor.
1. change global settings
On Osmose, press the Mode button to enter the Mode Selection screen, then press the Value Encoder 4 to open the global settings of Osmose.
Go to the midi i/o tab, then turn the first Value encoder to select the “usb haken mode” line and click to edit. Turn the knob to change the setting to “2/3 note & matrix” and validate by pressing the right-most encoder.
If “haken local control” below is “off”, turn it to “on”.
2. connect your osmose
Use the USB cable provided with your Osmose to connect it to your Mac or PC and turn it on.
3. download and install max/msp
Max by Cycling ‘74 is needed to open Haken Editor. Download and install it from here. Purchasing Max is not required to use the Haken Editor. You will be able to use the Haken Editor still even after the Max MSP trial period is over.
4. download the haken editor zip file and extract it
Download the Haken Editor which is available inside your Expressive E customer account after registering your instrument. Extract the entire zip file's content to a directory to which your operating system user account has full access rights. A good choice would be your Documents folder.
5. launch the haken editor
Inside the 10.0x Editor directory you have downloaded, double-click on “Haken Editor.maxpat”, and wait up to 30 seconds for a small startup window (don’t do more mouse clicks!) to come up, then wait for another max. 30 seconds for the Editor to come up, then wait for another max. 30 seconds for the first one-time synchronization. Startup will be quicker for future launches.
6. midi connection
Click on the cog icon in the top-right in the Editor’s main window and open 'Midi and Globals settings'.
On the Midi and Globals settings windows, click on the input port device on the instrument line. For both the Input port and Output port on the instrument line, you must select Port 2 on Osmose. The port is called ‘Osmose Haken/Port 2’ on macOS and ‘MIDIIN2/MIDIOUT2 (Osmose)’ on Windows computers:
ℹ️On a Mac, depending on the language set, these ports could also be called Osmose Anschluss 2 (German) or Osmose Puerto 2 (Spanish) etc.
ℹ️On Windows systems, please ensure that no DAW (or other MIDI application) runs in the background when using the Haken Editor. MIDI ports of devices running as USB MIDI class-compliant without specific drivers (like Osmose) can only ever be used by one application at a time. Having another application opened in the background could block the communication between Haken Editor and Osmose.
If all went well, a solid blue LED indicator (top-left in the Editor’s main window below “Scale”) indicates your device and the Editor are communicating.
troubleshooting: no sound & "you require firmware update file 2"
2. Use Windows Explorer or Finder to open the Haken Editor folder on your computer. Navigate to the HE/Firmware folder. It contains the file "Update File2 1009 Osmose.txt".
5. After Osmose has restarted, please trigger a factory reset: go to the Mode menu > global settings > hardware tab > factory reset param. The Osmose will reboot.
6. Access the global settings again. Go to the midi i/o tab and set “usb haken mode” to "2/3 note & matrix”. The communication between Osmose and Haken Editor should now work.