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Home > Lié > Compatibility & Features > Which operating systems are supported by Lié?
Which operating systems are supported by Lié?
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Touché (SE)'s companion app Lié is available for macOS 10.11 and higher as well as for Windows 10.

There are no plans to offer Lié for older Windows versions like Windows 7 or Windows 8. It is particularly not recommended to try to flash the firmware of Touché (SE) with a Win7/8 device, since the USB architecture of these operating systems differ a lot from the one of Windows 10. Trying to do it nonetheless could (at least temporarily) brick your unit. Also, transmitting confíguration data to and from the device as needed for operating Memory View for Touché and MIDI Setup for Touché SE will only work on compatible computers.

Please note: The basic functionality of Touché (SE) as a MIDI class compliant controller is not affected by the aforementioned compatibility restrictions.

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