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before you start
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box content

1x Osmose expressive synthesizer
1x Quick Start Guide leaflet
1x product safety manual. Please read it before using Osmose.
1x USB cable
1x power supply with international adapters

lockable power supply connector

⚠️ Osmose’s power supply has a locking connector to prevent accidental disconnection. When inserting, first align the power connector’s wings so they match the horizontal notches on the power input. Push firmly, then rotate the barrel clockwise to secure it to the casing.

keyboard calibration

The rest position of Osmose’s keys is calibrated while the unit is booting. Please make sure nothing is touching the keys during this step.

maintain the keybed’s longevity

The Augmented Keyboard Action’s unique playing feel is attained mainly by silicon cylinders below each key. While the material is designed to last numerous years without deteriorating, you will need to ensure that the cylinders can always revert to their uncompressed, idle position after being pressed.
Do not stow away your Osmose in a way that permanently compresses its keys, or you will risk the cylinders underneath losing their elasticity and needing to be replaced.

register your device

In order to get access to all Osmose-related download links like the up-to-date firmware, please enter the activation code from the brown quick start leaflet that came with your unit on the product registration page of your Expressive E user account. You can also register using the serial number itself (see sticker on the bottom of the instrument). Please contact our commercial support team if your unit has already been registered to another account and the former user forgot to unregister their unit.

firmware update

We recommend always installing the latest available firmware on your device.
The firmware download comes bundled with the application OsmoseUpdater which is used to backup/restore user data, update Osmose’s operating system, and flash the EaganMatrix DSP firmware when needed.
The download is available in your customer account after registering your product on our website. For detailed instructions, please refer to this dedicated document:

🔗Osmose firmware update instructions

quick start video

To gain an overview of the internal sound engine mode, we recommend watching Osmose’s quick start video.

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