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Home > Lié > Compatibility & Features > Lié: System Requirements and Supported Digital Audio Workstations
Lié: System Requirements and Supported Digital Audio Workstations
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Touché's companion app "Lié" is available as a standalone application, and as a VST2, VST3 and AU plug-in.

You need a 64-bit host application supporting VST2/VST3 or AU plug-ins to host Lié as a plug-in.

Supported Plug-Ins to be hosted inside Lié

Lié will only host VST2 64bit instruments, no VST effects, no VST3 format. It means that the plugin you wish to host inside Lié must be installed as VST2 on your computer (*.vst file on a Mac, *.dll file on a PC)


Hosting AU is not supported, but you can still use most instruments within Lié inside Logic Pro X. Just make sure that you have installed the VST format of the instrument. You can then use the plugin instrument in VST format within Lié's AU version. Unfortunately, Logic's internal instruments (Samples, Alchemy, EXS24 etc.) are are not offered in VST format, therefore they won't work inside Lié.

Lié is also not able to host any other proprietary formats that DAW manufacturers use to deliver their onboard synths, unless the manufacturer made those synths available in VST2 format.


You can still use Touché (SE) as a USB MIDI class-compliant controller to work around the VST-only limitation. Check the respective article for your DAW here.


When installing the ARM (Apple Silicon) version of Lié, only ARM64 native VST2 plugins will be available inside Lié. Unfortunately, this exludes using our very own Arché or Noisy synths at the moment, because these titles still need to be made available with native Apple Silicon support. Read more here.


Supported DAWs (macOS 10.11 and higher)

  • Ableton Live 9 and later (AU, VST2, VST3)

  • AKAI MPC Software 2 (VST2, VST3)

  • Bitwig Studio 2 and later (VST2, VST3)

  • Steinberg Cubase 6 and later (VST2, VST3)

  • MOTU Digital Performer 9 and later (only AU)

  • ImageLine FL Studio 20 (AU, VST2, VST3)

  • Apple Logic Pro X (only AU)

  • Steinberg Nuendo 6 and later (VST2, VST3)

  • Cockos Reaper 5 (AU, VST2, VST3)

  • PreSonus Studio One 4 and later (AU, VST2, VST3)

Supported DAWs (Windows 10 and higher)

  • Ableton Live 9 and later

  • AKAI MPC Software 2

  • Bitwig Studio 2 and later

  • BandLab Cakewalk

  • Steinberg Cubase 10.5 and later

  • Topten Software Cantabile 3

  • ImageLine FL Studio 20

  • Acoustica Mixcraft 9

  • Cockos Reaper 5

  • PreSonus Studio One 4 and later

  • Tracktion Waveform

Unsupported DAWs

Avid ProTools

Not compatible: We don't offer an AAX version of Lié for the moment, so ProTools is not supported.

Propellerhead Reason

Not compatible: Reason uses a special way to communicate with external MIDI devices that renders it unusable with our companion app Lié. We have been in contact with Propellerhead: Unfortunately, there is no workaround for this at the moment.

Known Issues

MOTU Digital Performer (only Windows)

Not compatible on Windows: Since Lié as VST fails the Scan routine in Digital Performer, there is no way to make Lié work in DP in Windows for the time being. In a Mac environment, you can use Lié as AU instead. 

Steinberg Cubase 7 til 10 and Nuendo 7 and higher (only Windows)

Stuck note problem on Windows on some machines: Occasionally, applying more complex gestures on Touché leads to a stuck, endless note in Steinberg's DAW. The problem got solved in Cubase 10.5.

Native Instruments Maschine 2 VST

Not compatible: Maschine, when used as a VST inside a DAW, instead of being used as a standalone application, has trouble coping with the amount of MIDI CC needed for truthfully transmitting gestures from Touché (SE) to Lié. Random CCs disturbing the performance are the result. We currently seek to address the issue with help of Native Instruments (status of June 2019).

Native Instruments Maschine 2 Standalone and AU

Automation issues: Some customers face problems when recording automation from Touché (SE) when Lié is hosted in Maschine 2 Standalone or AU. Maschine 2 seems to have trouble coping with the amount of MIDI CC being sent by Touché (SE).


Additional Notes

Lié is not tested in non-listed DAWs, but it could work. We cannot guarantee a solution for issues in unsupported DAWs or DAWs with known issues.


System Requirements


  • macOS 10.11 and higher, 64bit
  • Intel Core i5 1.4GHz for Lié itself, (Intel Core i5 2.5GHz if using the UVI-based factory sounds) | Apple M1 when using Lié's ARM version for Apple Silicon
  • 4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
  • 1GB free space on HDD/SSD (if using UVI-based factory sounds)


  • Windows 10 and higher, 64bit
  • Intel Core Duo for Lié itself, (Intel Core i5 2.5GHz if using the UVI-based factory sounds) | AMD Ryzen 5
  • 4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
  • 1GB free space on HDD/SSD (if using UVI-based factory sounds)


Copy protection notice:

Lié itself has no copy protection. Our factory sounds are all based on UVI Workstation, which does use PACE iLok for anti-piracy purposes. You don't need an actual iLok dongle, since its license is directly activated on your computer. The free iLok License Manager is recommended for comfortably managing one's licenses. It will also allow for the activation of additional sound expansions or instruments you might want to acquire in the future (e.g. our Arché Collection). iLok License Manager is included in the Lié Windows installer but is an optional download for Mac users.



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