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Home > Lié > Online Manual > 4. - Browser
4. - Browser
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1. Preset List

By default, all the presets present in your preset folder are visible on this preset list, sorted by alphabetical order.

A double click loads a preset.

A right click shows a context menu allowing to rename or delete a preset.

Clicking on the star on the right of every preset allows you to mark it as favorite.

2. Filters & Tags

A system of filters and tags is available to easily browse between presets.

Categories : (only available for owners of the classic Touché) Lets you decide between displaying either plug-in presets or presets for hardware synths. Selecting one category will exclude all others presets from the list.

Instruments : Choosing an instrument from the list will display all presets based on that specific VST instrument. Clicking the instrument again will reset the filter.

Tags : Tags allow you to find presets by types of sound. If you select several tags, only the presets which contains all the tags will appear in the preset list. For example, when the first two tags from the list are selected (Bass and Lead), only presets which are tagged with both Bass and Lead will be displayed.

Note: If you want to change the tags associated with a preset, go to Menu -> Save as Preset.




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