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The noise module is at the core of Noisy’s synth engine and the origin of its sound. If the noise gain is set at its minimum value, no sound will be emitted from the synthesizer. 


Noise is a signal with high dynamics and no perceivable pitch. A musical pitch can only be heard when using this signal to excite the resonator section of Noisy. 


By selecting different noise types, you can already start to shape your timbre. The frequency response of the resonators will vary widely, depending on which noise type is selected.

  1. gain

Controls the level of noise sent as an excitation signal to the resonators. This parameter is the equivalent of the ‘sustain’ stage in a classic ADSR envelope. 


  1. noise type selection

Select between four different types of noise, each with its own characteristic frequency spectrum:

  1. Velvet noise is a balanced noise signal with a grainy character.

  2. Pink noise has the most power in the low-medium frequency range and smoother higher frequencies.

  3. White noise is a balanced and regular noise signal.

  4. Blue noise has its power concentrated in the high frequencies and is slim in the low end. 


  1. expression amount

To shape the amp envelope of your sound in a continuous real-time way, most of the expressive synth presets will have the noise gain set to be controlled by the Expression signal.

This Exp amount knob appears in several modules of Noisy. Refer to the modulation panels section to learn more about how to work with it.


  1. lfo range & exp mod

Refer to the modulation panels section to learn more about how to work with LFO and expression modulation.

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