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Home > Osmose > Online Manual > 5. Advanced Users > Selecting EaganMatrix presets with MIDI Program Change messages
Selecting EaganMatrix presets with MIDI Program Change messages
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MIDI messages intended to switch presets in the EaganMatrix should be sent on MIDI Channel 16 to Osmose's USB MIDI Port 2 (Haken Port). Alternatively, the messages will also be accepted on the DIN MIDI input when "din mode" in the midi i/o tab is set to "2/5 dsp in" or "4/5 dsp in+thru".

ℹ️ Preset changes via external MIDI messages will not be reflected in the graphical user interface of Osmose.

ℹ️ On a technical level, the default range of MIDI values is always 0 to 127. Depending on the device from which you send the MIDI messages, value 0 may be displayed as #1 and value 127 as #128. This numbering is specifically common when displaying Program numbers. In our table, bank and subbank numbers are shown with values from 0 to 127 and programs with the range 1 to 128. We recommend that you check the lowest possible value that you can set for CC0, CC32, and Program Change in your device, respectively. It will tell you whether you need to apply an offset of 1 to the values shown in our tables or not.
Example: Ableton Live uses "1" as the lowest possible value for Bank and Subbank messages as well. To access the user presets in Osmose, you must select Bank 1 and Subbank 1 in Ableton Live, which will send a "0" for both on a technical level.


user presets

preset name bank cc0
sub cc32
user preset 1 to 128 0 0 1 to 128


factory presets

preset name bank cc0
sub cc32
abyss lands 5 0 1
acid bass 5 0 2
acouskop 5 0 3
acuitar 1 0 1
aerials 4 0 1
after the rain 6 0 1
alacloud 8 0 1
alienvers 5 0 4
algo call 5 0 5
altersaw 4 0 2
ambiant analog 1 4 0 3
analog adsr 4 0 4
analog scream 4 0 5
anareed 2 0 1
anatolianpad 5 0 6
another big one 5 0 7
anthophila organ 4 0 6
aplassian 1 0 2
aqueous feel 4 0 7
arcadiapan 2 0 2
archer 1 0 3
astral titans 5 0 8
azure key 4 0 8
babrass 2 0 3
bacteria 6 0 2
badratios bell 8 0 2
balafun 8 0 3
balloon from hanoi 1 0 4
bandrive paradise 5 0 9
banjoy 1 0 5
bansuri 2 0 4
bass distosine 5 0 10
bass monster 5 0 11
bass pad 5 0 12
bazambar 1 0 6
bazikey 4 0 9
bella fm 11 0 1
bells of digul 8 0 4
beny s territory 5 0 13
beyond felt 4 0 10
biquide hang 8 0 5
biquide harp 1 0 7
biquide steel 8 0 6
biquige bell 8 0 7
bird whistler 6 0 3
bits organ 4 0 11
blasiz 5 0 14
bleached organ 4 0 12
blipkrieg 6 0 4
bouncing spray 8 0 8
bowedsymphfm 4 0 13
bowreal lights 1 0 8
brass fm 2 0 5
brass fm2 2 0 6
brass fm3 11 0 2
brassimple 5 0 15
brasswind 2 0 7
brassy 2 0 8
brave fields 5 0 16
bright organ 4 0 14
brightbank 8 0 9
canyon steel 1 0 9
carbon marimba 11 0 3
carifem 5 0 17
celestial 8 0 10
celestial basin 6 0 5
cellove 1 0 10
cellovir 1 0 11
chamber mellobow 1 0 12
chamber strings 1 0 13
cherie fm 5 0 18
chick s lead 5 0 19
choir 3 0 1
choir additive 5 0 20
chordead 5 0 21
churchorgan 4 0 15
claribreath 2 0 9
clarinet 2 0 10
classicana key 4 0 16
classicana lead 5 0 22
classipad 5 0 23
clavi 1 4 0 17
clavichord 4 0 18
clavicorda 4 0 19
clawha 4 0 20
clings 8 0 11
cold lead 5 0 24
column of eternity 5 0 25
copey 4 0 21
copper club 4 0 22
coridor 5 0 26
cork the bottle 6 0 6
cosmic blues 2 0 11
cp eight 4 0 23
crackling things 6 0 7
creaker 6 0 8
crossmod 5 0 27
crossynthar 1 0 14
crystal harmonics 8 0 12
cs80+ladder 4 0 24
cs80+ladder II 5 0 28
cumulus 8 0 13
CVC 1 voice 13 0 1
CVC 2 voices 13 0 2
CVC 4 voices 13 0 3
cycle and duty 5 0 29
dabka 2022 5 0 30
declanche 4 0 25
deep corners 5 0 31
delight lead 5 0 32
deven 4 0 26
dfm 4 0 27
dirt acid 5 0 33
dirty osc pad 5 0 34
disco dawn 4 0 28
distortion guitar 1 0 15
dolce cristallo 8 0 14
double reed 2 0 12
double saw 4 0 29
doubleslap 5 0 35
duocello 1 0 16
dx1 4 0 30
dx2 4 0 31
dx3 4 0 32
dx4 4 0 33
dxim 4 0 34
ebosin 1 0 17
edgy fm 5 0 36
efferie 4 0 35
efmope 4 0 36
eightiki 4 0 37
eighty neon 11 0 4
ekeynox 4 0 38
electric bass 1 1 0 18
electric bass 2 1 0 19
electric keys 1 4 0 39
electric keys 5 4 0 40
electric keys 6 4 0 41
electric wazoo 6 0 9
electrical bacher 6 0 10
ellis guitar 1 0 20
elsynkey 4 0 42
emancikey 11 0 5
empty 13 0 4
empyrean 2 0 13
entanglement 6 0 11
envinkin 4 0 43
envinkon 4 0 44
epiano1 4 0 45
epiarom 4 0 46
erumi 1 0 21
essendar 5 0 37
etalophone 8 0 15
etherry 4 0 47
etines mk1 4 0 48
expluck 1 0 22
fancy brass 4 0 49
fat model d 5 0 38
fdn crazyness 6 0 12
feleaz 4 0 50
feltgrains 8 0 16
fleme 4 0 51
flip tube 2 0 14
floppy disk lands 6 0 13
flunkly 5 0 39
flute transverse 2 0 15
flutimut 2 0 16
fm 2612 5 0 40
fm basic 4-ops 4 0 52
fm brassypoly 5 0 41
fm clav 1 4 0 53
fm darkness 5 0 42
fm doublebass 5 0 43
fm dreampiano 4 0 54
fm glacier 8 0 17
fm hang perc 8 0 18
fm piano1 4 0 55
fm reed 2 0 17
fm slapman 5 0 44
fmwood&strings 1 0 23
fof variableres 3 0 2
foming 4 0 56
forgotten animal 5 0 45
forty eight db 5 0 46
fourad 5 0 47
fretless bass 1 0 24
fruku 1 0 25
fukuel 8 0 19
funky lead 5 0 48
futazz 5 0 49
futur engine 6 0 14
gabber 21 5 0 50
game invader 4 0 57
gamelan spinner 8 0 20
geiger insects 6 0 15
ghabla 7 0 1
ghost voice 3 0 3
gimmirez 4 0 58
gowind 2 0 18
graceful integrated 4 0 59
grains pluck 1 0 26
grandfather clock 8 0 21
grandma's garden 5 0 51
granu osc 5 0 52
grittysaw 5 0 53
grubbead 5 0 54
gypsy kinetar 1 0 27
hammers brushed 4 0 60
hantpad 5 0 55
harmbrass 2 0 19
harmod 1 0 28
harmolick 1 0 29
harpsichord 4 0 61
harpsytron 4 0 62
hollowrez 5 0 56
hoovasquare 5 0 57
horn ytorink 2 0 20
howling sines 6 0 16
hp tales 4 0 63
hybrid harp 1 0 30
hybrid strings 1 1 0 31
hybrid strings 2 1 0 32
hybrid strings 3 1 0 33
hyoshigi 7 0 2
ikia 4 0 64
insert coins 4 0 65
interkin 5 0 58
ishango bone 7 0 3
iziki 4 0 66
jaymar toy piano 4 0 67
jenny choir 3 0 4
jenny fm 5 0 59
jenny pulse 5 0 60
jennybrass 2 0 21
jentenot 5 0 61
juknow that bass 5 0 62
julia 5 0 63
jumpare 4 0 68
june sunset 11 0 6
jupinard 4 0 69
jupipad 5 0 64
jx10 1b 4 0 70
kaitof 7 0 4
kakey 4 0 71
karkup 1 0 34
karplus & modman 1 0 35
kick bass slide 7 0 5
kinaflap 4 0 72
kinafun 4 0 73
kinespeech 3 0 5
kinetic analog 4 0 74
kinetic anaseq 5 0 65
kinetic bowed fdn 6 0 17
kinetic dragon 6 0 18
kinetic micromotor 6 0 19
kinetic overtones 6 0 20
kinetic satpad 5 0 66
kinetic soundboard 1 0 36
klavunk 4 0 75
koto 1 0 37
labello 8 0 22
lacous bass 1 0 38
ladagcer 4 0 76
ladder bass 5 0 67
lalalead 5 0 68
lamellas 8 0 23
lampadaire 5 0 69
larekin 5 0 70
larekin 2 5 0 71
lavaya 4 0 77
leadio 5 0 72
legacy dx ep 11 0 7
libellule 8 0 24
lighthouse 5 0 73
lililead 5 0 74
lilly 4 0 78
lino 4 0 79
lips steel 1 0 39
living pad 5 0 75
lonely data 6 0 21
lonely square 5 0 76
lost beacon 4 0 80
lost choir 3 0 6
lost ensemble 1 0 40
lost operator 5 0 77
lytiny 8 0 25
magic pluck 4 0 81
main square 5 0 78
malabel 8 0 26
malgo 5 0 79
marie s birds 6 0 22
marlin perkins 1 7 0 6
marombox 8 0 27
martine 8 0 28
mattalo 8 0 29
mbiraski 8 0 30
metarmonix 7 0 7
microdelay pipewg 2 0 22
mild kisses 1 0 41
minimando 1 0 42
minor de fond 5 0 80
model string wind 1 0 43
modowel 3 0 7
mojo of fdn 6 0 23
montine 4 0 82
moving slate 5 0 81
munsplen 5 0 82
music box bells 5 0 83
mystaring 6 0 24
nails on metal 6 0 25
nband 4 0 83
neon key 4 0 84
neon key dreams 4 0 85
ngoni 1 0 44
night bass 5 0 84
nimbus 8 0 31
nofiad 6 0 26
noisyman 1 0 45
noisypad 1 0 46
noisything 1 0 47
nostalgia 5 0 85
notenstrum 4 0 86
notiseq 5 0 86
numens strings 1 0 48
nynx 5 0 87
oblivion 1 0 49
oboreed 2 0 23
ocean triggs 8 0 32
ocherry 4 0 87
octalive drum 7 0 8
octecho 4 0 88
old pad machine 4 0 89
op offset 5 0 88
op repeat 4 0 90
op2bell 8 0 33
opead 5 0 89
opeal 5 0 90
opikey 4 0 91
organ 1 4 0 92
organ 2 4 0 93
organ 3 4 0 94
organ 4 4 0 95
organ barbar 4 0 96
organ voxy 4 0 97
organo wereyouthere 4 0 98
os2dx 4 0 99
osc dcf 4 0 100
osc five 4 0 101
outspoken 5 0 91
pad 101 5 0 92
pad awan 11 0 8
padding time 5 0 93
padorama 5 0 94
padorgan 5 0 95
pajestric 1 0 50
paliakey 4 0 102
panpipe solo 2 0 24
paperheart 4 0 103
paris texas 1 0 51
patacalbas 7 0 9
pcs Dandelion 6 0 27
perseus supernova 5 0 96
petit carillon 8 0 34
phase machine 5 0 97
pi-bass 5 0 101
pickope 5 0 98
piercing bass 5 0 99
pine strummer 1 0 52
pinkphone 8 0 35
pipopi 2 0 25
pitchoune 5 0 100
plastigorien 3 0 8
plinklies 8 0 36
pluckead 5 0 102
pluckeon 4 0 104
podracer 6 0 28
polys20 4 0 105
polysynthetix 4 0 106
potendu 7 0 10
pressow 1 0 53
psy squelches 6 0 29
pulse pluck 4 0 107
pulzz 5 0 103
pusher 1 0 54
pxlize 4 0 108
quiet carriers 5 0 104
radioactive zone 6 0 30
random trigger 6 0 31
rateanis 5 0 105
reesotto 5 0 106
reesy rider 5 0 107
releasy 8 0 37
ren keyboard 4 0 109
replicants dreams 4 0 110
resizable guitar 1 0 55
reso nable 5 0 108
resonant drum 1 7 0 11
rewind time 5 0 109
ringad 5 0 110
ringmod harmonica 2 0 26
riseandbe 4 0 111
rising pad 5 0 111
roto string 1 0 56
rusty bass 5 0 112
rusty square 5 0 113
sawVI 4 0 112
saxoon 2 0 27
scarlet 4 0 113
scie tard 1 0 57
scratching fdn 6 0 32
sentimental mood 2 0 28
seventies lead 5 0 114
shakepad 1 0 58
shpad1 5 0 115
simple anakey1 4 0 114
simple anakey2 4 0 115
simple anakey4 4 0 116
simple fm 2 ops 4 0 117
simple fmkey 4 0 118
simple lead even 5 0 116
simple lead odd 5 0 117
simple saw pad 5 0 118
simple square pad 5 0 119
simpledecay 5 0 120
simplephasemod 4 0 119
simplerez 5 0 121
sinefeel 8 0 38
sinespray pad 5 0 122
skoto 1 0 59
slappinperc 7 0 12
smeeb 5 0 123
smooth mouth 3 0 9
smooth operator 1 0 60
solid square 5 0 124
solima 5 0 125
sonogram 6 0 33
soprano recorder 2 0 29
soulfm 4 0 120
soundboard 6 0 34
souvenirs 3 0 10
space flammenco 1 0 61
spracher 4 0 121
spring shimming bell 8 0 39
squaluk 4 0 122
squarynights 4 0 123
squazodia 4 0 124
squeakysine 4 0 125
stadium candy 4 0 127
stadoor 5 0 126
stellaris 5 0 127
sterelead 5 0 128
steroids 5 1 1
stormy weather 6 0 35
street pluck 4 0 128
strings machine 1 0 62
strings machine 2 1 0 63
stringtroen 1 0 64
st-rum dx 4 0 126
sub bass 1 5 1 2
subway 5 1 3
sweethrice 1 0 65
syncat 5 1 4
synclit 5 1 5
tabec 2 0 30
tablast 7 0 13
tales of feathers 1 0 66
talking kine 3 0 11
tap sitar 1 0 67
tape melody 4 1 1
taste of June 5 1 6
tender stuck 8 0 40
terjintro 4 1 2
testbench 13 0 5
th x 6 0 36
the touch guitar 1 0 68
theo s bicycles 6 0 37
thick organ 4 1 3
thoria 8 0 41
three waves 5 1 7
thrilla bass 5 1 8
tin whistle 2 0 31
tine 4 1 4
tinolin 8 0 42
tiny wish 5 1 9
tinytine 8 0 43
trepizcato 1 0 69
trumpey 4 1 5
tubular bell 8 0 44
twelve strings 1 0 70
twobanks 5 1 10
twozing 7 0 14
uki pizz 1 1 0 71
under the weather 5 1 11
underwater 8 0 45
unstable sum 5 1 12
upibanks 4 1 6
utopia 4 1 7
vbrass 1 2 0 32
velsquare 5 1 13
versaille 4 1 8
versailles brass 4 1 9
vibrim 8 0 46
vinkeilyd 4 1 10
vintage wide bass 5 1 14
viollaggio 1 0 72
violloiv 1 0 73
vln vla cel bass 2 11 0 9
vocalise 3 0 12
vorgaphone 4 1 11
walking blues 1 0 74
walking elephants 2 0 33
wallface 5 1 15
wardrum 7 0 15
waterphonie 6 0 38
wet feeling 6 0 39
whorus 4 1 12
windotron 4 1 13
windtube double reed 2 0 34
woodorgan 4 1 14
woodwind 2 0 35
woodybox 8 0 47
wopluk 1 0 75
wow soul chords 4 1 15
xpressive saw 5 1 16
yfm 4 1 16
yokobue 2 0 36
zapzap 6 0 40
zazipad 6 0 41
zenpercs 8 0 48
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